Month: July 2021

Month: July 2021

Six Steps to Dialogue with Those Who Disagree with the Healing Model
July 29, 2021 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

Recently, a kind Seventh-day Adventist gentleman, whom I have known for many years and who disagrees with our Healing Model of salvation, began an email conversation with me. Our exchange has produced some useful dialogue, which I believe will be helpful to share.

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The Four Judgments
July 22, 2021 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

When you hear the word “judgment,” what comes to mind? Do you think of a judicial process—a courtroom with prosecuting and defense attorneys; a jury of one’s peers; the presentation of eyewitness, circumstantial, and forensic evidence; and a judge who oversees the proceedings?

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How Satan Uses God’s Laws Against Us
July 15, 2021 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

In this blog I examine how Satan uses God’s design laws to advance his kingdom, to destroy and injure people, by getting them to use the law in ways that are not in harmony with God’s design for life.

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Your Mind and Media Manipulation—How to Protect Yourself
July 8, 2021 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

There are facts—and there are interpretations of facts. Interpretations are not facts—they are merely the views, opinions, beliefs, and perspectives of whomever is advancing the viewpoint. The interpretations in media articles provide eye-opening insight into the biases, prejudices and agenda of the one writing.

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How Every Person in the World Will Choose For or Against Jesus
July 1, 2021 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

Have you ever wondered how it could be possible that every person in the world will make a choice for or against Christ before His return?

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