Month: May 2019

Month: May 2019

The Journey of Life: The Roads We Travel — Part 1
May 29, 2019 Blogs, Character Development Tim Jennings, M.D.

Filled with all its challenges, stressors, sickness, and conflicts, life can be hard. Many people come to see me in the midst of their struggles, desperately searching for a better way to live. But, as I teach them to find practical strategies that will help them cope, I have also discovered that our understanding of reality — how life works — has a direct impact on our understanding of what is happening to us and our ability to cope with the stress.

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Finding Peace when Life Is Stressful
May 15, 2019 Blogs, Brain and Body Health, Mental Health and Healing Tim Jennings, M.D.

Do you ever get stressed, worried, tense, keyed-up? 

In this world, we cannot avoid moments of stress because stressful events occur. When such events do occur, our bodies have an adaptive response to provide us quick energy and activate our body’s defenses (immune system) to protect us from injury or infection.

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Anger — Righteous Indignation or Selfish Retaliation?
May 9, 2019 Bible Answers That Make Sense, Blogs, Family and Relationship Health Tim Jennings, M.D.

Do you ever get angry? Recently, I was reading an article about marriage in which a Christian author was describing various indicators that might point to demonic oppression as a contributing cause to marital problems. One indicator he listed was “inappropriate anger.”

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