Month: January 2019

Month: January 2019

The Lie That Led To Penal Substitution Theology
January 10, 2019 Bible Answers That Make Sense, Blogs, Design Law Tim Jennings, M.D.

God is the Creator who built all reality—space, time, energy, matter, and life. His laws are the laws that reality is constructed to operate upon; the laws of gravity, physics, thermodynamics, health, and the moral laws. These are fixed principles upon which life is constructed to exist.

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Sabbath — Imposed Rule or Design for Life?
January 1, 2019 Bible Answers That Make Sense, Blogs, Design Law Tim Jennings, M.D.

I have many friends who were raised Seventh-day Adventist and were taught to observe the Bible Sabbath from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset—the same Sabbath hours the Jewish people observe. But many of them have found the day to be a day of restriction, a day filled with lists of all the things they cannot do.

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