Month: October 2013

Month: October 2013

What Does the Veil Represent? – Satan or Jesus?
October 20, 2013 Bible Answers That Make Sense, Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

Thanks for your SS lessons which I watch without fail as they become available. Loved lesson 4’s typology. However, there is so much symbolism in Jesus being the 2nd veil, which I have summarized below:

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Jesus Paying Our Debt To God
October 14, 2013 Bible Answers That Make Sense, Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

I just saw this quote and wanted what your understanding of it is:

The servant who had defrauded his master had nothing with which to make restitution. The sinner who has robbed God of years of service has no means of canceling the debt. Jesus interposes between the sinner and God, saying, I will pay the debt. Let the sinner be spared; I will suffer in his stead.  {Review & Herald, December 14, 1911 par. 16}

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