Month: September 2012

Month: September 2012

Women’s Ordination
September 17, 2012 Bible Answers That Make Sense, Blogs, Life's Tough Questions Tim Jennings, M.D.

Recently I was asked to read an article that addressed the issue of ordination of women. The article, while advocating for female pastors, opposed ordination for women as ordination included “church authority” to baptize and establish churches. The author appealed to the example of Lucifer in heaven being jealous of Christ and Korah being jealous of Aaron and neither being content with their position as evidence that God has selected men to be ordained and women should not be jealous of ordination but content with their position.

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Retribution or Rehabilitation
September 3, 2012 Blogs, Life's Tough Questions Tim Jennings, M.D.

As I was reviewing this week’s [bible study] lesson on Final Events, you make the statement in your outline…”When one accepts that God imposes law, then one must conclude that the consequences one experiences for disobedience to God’s law is imposed by God, or that God’s wrath is something that he inflicts to punish for sin.” Since I am developing in law school my views of criminal punishment and civil sanctions, should I relate my view of God into the courtroom?

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