Month: February 2010

Month: February 2010

Church Attendance & Conspiracies
February 26, 2010 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

Could explain the pros and cons of church attendance? Are there times when it is not healthy to attend and what attitude should we bring when we do attend.

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Christ: Our Remedy to Sin!
February 19, 2010 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

I have often heard it said that Christ brought the cure for sin, but no one has ever answered these questions satisfactorily for me. Can you spell out in details for me exactly what the cure for sin is

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Are Sins Passed Down to Our Children?
February 12, 2010 Bible Answers That Make Sense, Blogs, Family and Relationship Health Tim Jennings, M.D.

I have always believed that hereditary tendencies are what I received from my parents, whereas cultivated tendencies are what I learned as a child and as an adult. If so, then do tendencies (right or wrong) to sin pass down?

Meaning are the sins my parents did passed down as hereditary tendencies to me?

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Is There Absolute Truth?
February 5, 2010 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

We were recently engaged in a intense discussion about “TRUTH” is there such a thing as “ABSOLUTE TRUTH” and if there is where is it found?

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