Month: January 2009

Month: January 2009

Why 10 Commandments?
January 31, 2009 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

I’m in controversy about the difference between the law of God and the Natural Law or the Ten commandments and the Natural law, which you have talked about in the past.

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Does Drinking Coffee Reduce The Risk of Alzheimer’s?
January 16, 2009 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

This week I read the following headline:  Drinking coffee reduces risk of Alzheimer’s Does this headline surprise you? Do you believe it?

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Depression: Where Does It Start?
January 10, 2009 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

Where does depression come from- is it spiritual , mental, or emotional? Or a combination of all? How do you know if medication is necessary? And how does demonic oppression play into all of that?

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The Court in Daniel 7: Royal or Judicial?
January 2, 2009 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

I listened to your lesson, 2008_Q4_L13_atonement_and_universal_harmony.mp3 for Saturday, December 27. You quote Daniel 7:10, where your translation reads: Thousands upon thousands attended him; ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him. The court was seated, and the books were opened.

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