Month: March 2008

Month: March 2008

Christ Pleading Before His Father
March 22, 2008 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

This week a listener emailed me a question she had after reading a statement from another Christian author. She asks, “I listen to your lesson discussion on the internet and am so amazed and blessed by it. However,

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Vatican Lists “New Sins”
March 15, 2008 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

This week I read the following headline from Reuters, “Vatican lists ‘new sins,’ including pollution.” The Vatican also included as new sins genetic manipulation and stem cell research.

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Romans 7
March 8, 2008 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

As a devotional project over the last several years I have been paraphrasing various books of the Bible. This paraphrase is not intended to be a Bible “translation,” but to communicate the central meaning of the passage as I understand it.

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Knowledge and Feelings
March 1, 2008 Blogs Tim Jennings, M.D.

This week I was listening to a Bible discussion between friends of mine. They were talking about the disciples and the fear with which they struggled. Then someone raised the issue of the relationship between our feelings and what we know.

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