2Corinthians ◦ Chapter 9
1I know I really don't need to request that you help those working to spread the Remedy in Judea,2because you are already eager to help. I also know how enthusiastically you have been recruiting those in Macedonia to join in this giving, and telling them of the blessings you have received from all that you have already given. And your witness has stirred most of them to also give.3Therefore, I am sending the representatives from the churches to see how your lives have been transformed, so that our praise may not be just empty words, but you will actually be ready and waiting to help.4If any of the Macedonians come with us and find that you have not prepared your gift, then not only would you be embarrassed, but we would be ashamed for having bragged so strongly about you;5so I thought it best to send some friends ahead to help get ready the generous gift you had promised. Then your gift will be seen for what it is–given from the heart–and not misunderstood as given under the pressure of an offering call. 6Remember that those who put little into any endeavor get small results, but those who invest much–experience much in return.7Every person should decide in their own heart what to give, and give it freely — without pressure or fear — because God loves it when hearts are healed to give gladly.8And God can heal and transform you so that in all situations, at every moment, you will have all that you need to represent him and his kingdom of love accurately.9As it is written: "He has spread his Remedy to those who have nothing; his righteousness will last eternally."10Now he who provides seed for the farmer, and bread for eating, will also provide you with Remedy, increase your stockpile of truth and love, and cause your character to grow in righteousness.11You will be healed–enriched in every aspect of God's kingdom–so that you will be generous all the time, and as we share your generosity around, many others will give thanks to God. 12Your actions not only meet the real needs of God's helpers but inspire many hearts to give thanks to God.13Because your actions are in harmony with God’s methods of love — and by sharing with others you have shown that your acceptance of Christ’s Remedy is more than lip service, but actual change in character and lifestyle — people praise God that his Remedy to sin and selfishness really works.14As they pray for you, their hearts are transformed into the unity of love by the incredible effectiveness of God's Remedy already given to you.15Thank you, God, for your incredible Remedy!